Sustainability is the aim of the game

One of our Special Projects Managers, Chloe Barlow, recently finished ‘The Complete Sustainable Events Course’ by The Meetings Show.

Team Brighter
April 1, 2024
2 Mins
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Team Brighter

One of our Special Projects Managers, Chloe Barlow, recently finished ‘The Complete Sustainable Events Course’ by The Meetings Show.

This six-week online course is designed to support people on their journey to become an expert in delivering sustainable events.

Through a combination of theory, tools and practical knowledge, the course has equipped Chloe with the skills to be able to plan and deliver sustainable events with confidence.

She has learned how to measure the environmental impact of your events, the opportunities for positive event legacy and much more.

Upon completing the course, Chloe said:

“I would say what stood out is how much the food choices impact on the environment, so switching from beef to chicken on an event can cut the carbon footprint massively."

This is something that could easily be overlooked, however, now that we have this new knowledge, we can apply it to future events.

Huge congratulations and we can't wait for Chloe to use everything she has learned and taking it into every event we organise.

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