D-Day 80th Anniversary

As tasks for our Brighter team go, there can’t have been many more poignant and important than ensuring 20 D-Day veterans and their companions made it safely to Normandy.

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July 26, 2024
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Well, that’s exactly what our terrific trio of Kelley Peck,Rachel Dimmock and Fiona Godfrey did last month for the 80th anniversary of theD-Day landings.

The three event managers were planning for a whole year and were then all on-site to look after the veterans and their companions, as well as a team of welfare carers.

Kelley said:

“We had some typical challenges usually encountered on an event with many moving pieces (coach logistics, external lunches, language barriers, last-minute delegate requests) but also some really unusual challenges that were specific to this event. One of those challenges was what was referred to as the“Ring of Steel”, a perimeter which was put in place by the French government around the beaches and memorials for the commemorations which meant additional security checks for the people and vehicles scheduled to enter the Ring.
“We were staying nearly two hours from the Ring itself (which was difficult in the first place due to the timing of the day), French working laws limited the number of hours the drivers could legally work within a day, meaning there was a lot of logistical orchestration to make the day come together seamlessly.”

Fiona added:

“There was also the added pressure of the event itself - to make it as memorable and respectful for those in attendance, but also because of the broadcast logistics and special guests in attendance. The King and Queen, the Princess Royal, the Prime Ministers of the UK, France, and Canada, and many other heads of state and celebrities were in attendance and every ceremony was choreographed to timings to accommodate their movements and the broadcasting of the events.”

The 50-strong group attended ceremonies in various towns’ cemeteries and memorial sites while meeting royalty, celebrities and members of the public from all over the world.

It’s fair to say the team dealt with an extensive ‘to do list’, which started with sourcing transport to Portsmouth, before making the necessary Channel crossing arrangements with Brittany Ferries.

Two coaches were booked, as well as an accessible van for travel around France, while accommodation and meals for the group for the five-day trip were also arranged.

When planning, the Brighter team worked with client RoyalBritish Legion, who in turn worked with the BBC and other large organisations, so everyone knew which part of the big jigsaw they needed to look after.

Rachel said:

“This week was not without its challenges. We had a group of still fiercely, independent 98+year-olds and their companions, with varying degrees of mobility, accommodations to be sorted while in France, language barriers, security requirements and constantly-changing plans. Although it was a very stressful, at times, it was an absolute honour and a privilege to be a part of it. It is certainly one that I will never forget.
“The long days were a test of our fortitude and our emotional stamina. However, it is nothing like what these men went through 80years ago. To see them carry themselves with such grace as we revisited the very beaches that changed their lives 80 years ago was truly incredible and moving.”

The whole experience left a lasting impression on the team who said everywhere they went the veterans were welcomed with gratitude, honour and admiration which ‘was beautiful and humbling to behold’.

In summing up, they were all in agreement:

“It really was an honour to be a small part of the event and to get to know these incredible veterans and hear their stories. The team agreed we have never cried so much at work as we did when we had to say goodbye to them as they headed back home, one by one.

“We will remember them.”

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